Course Material

Course Material

Our Course Material has been designed considering the requirements of the students appearing for NATA and JEE- Arch.

The complete set contains


A reference book for basic sketches
This book has been designed as per the category-wise sketches for 2-D compositions, 3-D compositions and memory drawings.

Design and Perspective Theory
A complete book on design, perspective and other related terms. Various topics are explained in a simple language and contain high quality coloured images to have a better understanding of the concepts.

Architectural Awareness
Contains definitions of various terms related to architecture and construction with coloured images.
Famous buildings and their architects.
Historical Monuments and materials used for their construction.
Some famous logos.
Architectural Timeline.

Reference Sketches for Memory Drawings
Contains more than 60 memory drawings for reference. Students can create their own sketches on the left side space provided for sketches. Try to create your own drawings using these sketches only for reference.

Practice Question's Set
Contains around 300 questions from various categories. These questions are based on previous year's question papers of NATA and JEE-Arch and also contain questions based on current trends, topics and architectural terms. A wide variety of questions is given in the assignment segment such as drawing correct views from the given distorted view, half or incomplete view, Questions based on form transformation and surface rotation etc.

This book contains chapter wise solutions for the questions asked in last 16 years examinations of JEE Main and AIEEE. It also contains 10 practice sets based on JEE Main syllabus and pattern along with solved question papers of year 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Verbal and non Verbal Reasoning
This book contains topic wise solutions for the questions from Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning with some useful tricks. By practicing, students can attain efficiency in time management during examination.


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