3-D Compositions

A 3-D composition is a visually appealing arrangement of 3-dimensional objects. They can be created using simple geometric 3–D forms like cubes, spheres, cones, cylinders, cuboids or objects generated from basic forms.
Students' sketches

A 3-D composition can be created as mentioned below :
- Draw the cubes at around 20-25 degrees to the horizontal line. You can create all other 3-D solids from the cubes. To begin with, try creating the 3-D compositions only with geometrical forms.
- Create an interesting arrangement of these objects considering
- Placement of the objects – smaller objects should be in front. The objects should be overlapping and preferably in two or maximum three layers. Avoid putting similar objects in the same area.
- Keep sufficient space around the composition to show the shadows of the objects.
- how the effect of light by shading the object. Shading also helps to create the effect of three dimensionality of the objects.
- Show the cast shadows of the objects in the given light conditions.
Consider the following points while creating the compositions :
- Shapes and sizes of the objects.
- Their arrangement and balance in the composition.
- Texture or surface finish of various materials.
- Shadows of the objects in the given light conditions.
- Shading and light effect on the material.